Welcome to the new website and we've got exciting news!

Wow! This past year has been quite a roller coaster ride. As I have worked to meet the deadline for the release of the project, I have come to the conclusion that it's best to leave these things in a certain state of flux with a little wiggle room for the unforeseeable. For instance, on more than one occasion when I tried to complete a goal, I ran into a variety of hiccups. Be it operating system reinstalls or hard drive crashes or buggy audio production software updates, life can be full of obstacles. It can be particularly so when you're trying to accomplish something big. Nonetheless, every struggle has been worthwhile. So, here's a little bit of what I've been up to in the past year:

I have taken on a new manager, Jason Hough. He is working diligently with me as a solo artist, and with my band, Unbroken. We are working towards some very promising projects this year.

I have grown tremendously in my knowledge of my software and production skills. I'm finally creating music I've always pictured in my mind and I've cultivated the necessary skills to take what's in my head and translate it to your ears. The next leg of the process is to take this work and get it mastered. This is final quality control and it includes the final balancing of the parts in each arrangement, encoding it with metadata so the artwork, track names and information are recognized on every platform, and is imperative for mass distribution.

In short, this is where we are. I will be posting more updates regarding the final release including the pending release party.

Check in frequently for more details.

Thanks, and be blessed!


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