The Newness of Life

As I trudged down the corridors of my hallway in a quasi somnambulistic state, I realized that I had money to cash in from last night's show. For those of you who have never had the privilege of visiting Huntsville, it is a very charming city. It is a veritable amalgamation of physicists, engineers and rocket scientists. It is also one of the last places you want to be when a major snow storm hits. Get someone who has spent his or her days behind a steering wheel who has never ventured north of the Mason/Dixon line in these conditions, and negotiating traffic becomes a losing proposition. And yet, the pale luminescent atmosphere draws me back to times when I was in Kindergarten in West Virginia. This is the first white Christmas that I personally remember in my lifetime, although I've been assured there were others. I remember thinking it was the only thing that I wanted this year. I will affectionately remember that moment in my mind, as a kiss from God. Perhaps, it's a sign of what's to come. New undertakings, new places, new strengths revealed, new passions to embrace. These are a few of my favorite things. The winter landscape reminds me of this: Life calls me, beckons me to live in an eternal state of newness, to live like a child and still be able to make adult decisions. It's a new year and a new season is just around the bend. My hope and prayer is that each of us grabs the fruits that each day has to offer so that we can say we laid hold of every opportunity and seized them by force. Then we may be living embodiments of these immortal words from Harold Thurman: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people that have come alive.”

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